Hadara Bar-Mor

Hadara Bar-Mor is a doctor in law, vice dean of the School of Law at Netanya Academic College in Netanya, where she teaches corporate law and labor law. She received her J.S.D. in law from Tel Aviv University. Her academic interests include labor law, corporations and non-profit organizations.

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Elisheva Barak-Ussoskin

After earning her law degree in 1977, Elisheva Barak-Ussoskin quickly advanced through several positions before becoming a judge in the National Labor Court of Israel in 1995. Her rulings had a critical influence on the development of labor law and labor relations in Israel.


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Jewish Women's Archive. "Hadara Bar-Mor." (Viewed on May 10, 2024) <http://jwa.org/encyclopedia/author/bar-mor-hadara>.