Jewish Life

Rose Clubok cropped

Where Are They Now? RVF Alum Rose Clubok

Sarah Biskowitz

JWA talks to Rising Voices Fellowship alum Rose Clubok for our series marking the 10th anniversary of the fellowship.

"The Book Of Jerusalem" Cover

"The Book of Jerusalem" by Julia Vinograd

Mildred Faintly

Out of her personal suffering and poetic genius, Julia Vinograd created an iconic image of Jerusalem that is powerful, feminist, and unforgettably, startlingly modern.

collage with text, hands, and hearts

The First Time I Studied Gemara, I Learned About Inclusivity

Ava Cohen

The amount of page time devoted to questioning a ruling that diminishes the status of deaf people represented, to me, that these rabbis recognized that physical limitations should not keep people from following the mitzvot.  

Topics: Talmud, Prayer
Collage with a Jewish star in the center surrounded by pieces of paintings.

Embracing the Mosaic of Pluralism

Sydney Burgess

This is the beauty of Judaism: when one connects with others from different denominations, merging can be amazing.

black and white drawing of people dancing in couples at a ball, circa 1800s

Scandalous Dance Scenes, Romance Plots, and Jewish Literary Modernity

Sonia Gollance

Long before Fiddler on the Roof, Jewish writers used partner dance as a powerful metaphor for social changes that transformed Jewish communities.

Collage of nature landscapes, sheet music, and a star of David

Expanding Spirituality through Inclusivity

Frieda Belasco

Nothing is lost by encouraging and enabling different ways of accessing spirituality. If anything, people will learn a new tradition along the way.

Collage of jewish text, a woman reading and a star of david

How My ADHD Connected Me to Judaism

Sara Weinstein

My ADHD gave me a constant desire for emotional escape, which allowed me to enter a world where I learned about my Jewish foremothers.

Collage of the Kotel and people part of the organization, Women of the Wall

Anat Hoffman and Jewish Women’s Access to the Kotel

Talia Waxman

Hearing about Hoffman's work had a significant impact on my confidence and ability to forge my own religious path.  

Collage of hebre letters with an ear and a hand in a piece sign

Deaf Activism Is a Jewish Feminist Issue

Lucy Targum

As Jewish feminists, we should  fight alongside deaf people for inclusion within the feminist movement, which has often forgotten and misrepresented disabled individuals.

Shahanna McKinney-Baldon and Michal Avera Samuel

A Curriculum That Celebrates Jewish Diversity

Shoshana McKinney Kirya-Ziraba

The project's creators hope it will change the way Jewish kids see themselves and each other. 

Molly Bajgot Headshot

7 Questions For Molly Bajgot

Sarah Biskowitz

JWA chats with Jewish musician, educator, and activist Molly Bajgot. 

"Letters from Rifka" book cover

From 'Rifka' to a Lifelong Love of Jewish Books

Isadora Kianovsky

It was through Jewish books that I, and many women like me, learned to challenge the world around us, just as Rifka did. 

"What We Bring" by Andi Arnovitz

Q & A with Artist Andi Arnovitz about her new piece, "What We Bring"

Jen Richler

JWA talks to Israeli artist Andi Arnovitz about her new (JWA-inspired!) piece, What We Bring, currently on display at the Jerusalem Biennale. 



Sabina Vajraca and a poster from Sevap/Mitzvah

Q & A with Sabina Vajraca about her New Film, "Sevap/Mitzvah"

Mirushe "Mira" Zylali

JWA chats with Sabina Vajraca about her new film Sevap/Mitzvah, inspired by a remarkable true story of female friendship and our common humanity.

Image from JIMENA Sephardi and Mizrahi Toolkit

JIMENA's New Sephardi and Mizrahi Education Toolkit

E.S. Danon

JWA talks to Sarah Levin, executive director for Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa (JIMENA) about its new Sephardi and Mizrahi Education Toolkit. 

Collage of "Do Revenge"

The Subtle Antisemitism of "Do Revenge"

Halleli Abrams Gerber

The film is inclusive in terms of race, sexuality, income, and more. However,  Max Broussard, the high school’s “king" embodies many of the worst stereotypes that Jews face.

Topics: Film, Antisemitism
Collage of Alte Zachen

Healing Trauma through Intergenerational Relationships in "Alte Zachen"

Julia Brode Kroopkin

In addition to sharing messages of patience, understanding, and unwavering love, Alte Zachen balances stories of Jewish suffering with stories of Jewish joy.

Collage of Golems

Finding Meaning for a Golem in Unlikely Places

Sydney Burgess

The one thing all traditional golem depictions have in common is their sanctity. However, this most important facet has practically disappeared from the media.  

Book cover that reads "JPS Tanakh: Gender-Sensitive Edition" - blue and brown letters on white background

What's a "Gender-Sensitive" Bible Translation?

Rabbi Beth Lieberman
Dr. Elias Sacks

The new translation empowers readers to view the Bible with fresh eyes.

Topics: Feminism, Bible, Theology
Collage of "The Believer"

Wrestling with God and Neo-Nazis

Ava Cohen

What’s frightening about 2001 film, "The Believer,"  is that struggling with the idea of God as all-powerful is far from a unique experience.

A Court of Thorns and Roses Book Cover: red background with black dragon in the background, Sarah J Maas at the bottom

A Cult Favorite with Jewish, Feminist Themes

Dr. Jamie Ehrenpreis

In her hugely popular fantasy series, Sarah J. Maas puts Jewish texsts and biblical women at the forefront. 

Topics: Fiction, Bible, Feminism
Headshot of Emma Mair with shoulder-length light brown hair and tortoiseshell glasses, posing in front of trees

Where Are They Now? RVF Alum Emma Mair

Sarah Biskowitz

JWA talks to Rising Voices Fellowship alum Emma Mair for our series marking the 10th anniversary of the fellowship.

Ruth swearing her allegiance to Naomi

Asexuality: A Text Study

Jessie Atkin

I have never looked at a person and thought, Yes, that is someone I want to know in the biblical sense

Rokhl Auerbakh

Rokhl Auerbakh Made Me Rethink Holocaust Remembrance

Maya "Zuni" González

Reading Auerbakh's essays in the original Yiddish in the lead-up to International Holocaust Remembrance Day changed my perspective.

Topics: Holocaust
Young woman with dark hair and black sweather standing in front of a pillar

Where Are They Now? RVF Alum Isabel Kirsch

Sarah Biskowitz

JWA talks to Rising Voices Fellowship alum Isabel Kirsch for our series marking the 10th anniversary of the fellowship.


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