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I found it quite ironic to receive this particular posting at this time - the Women of the Wall's founding date of Dec. 1, 1988.

With all the struggles, sacrifices and accomplishments this remarkable organization has made since 1988, we seem to have reached a sad and remarkable LOW POINT at this time. Just two weeks ago, a 25 year old female, a medical student who was wearing a tallit and carrying the groupÌ¢‰â‰ã¢s new Torah scroll at the Kotel, was arrested by police and charged with Ì¢‰âÒperforming a religious act that offends the feelings of others.Ì¢‰âÂå

Jewish people the world over have to think and reconsider- WHO ARE OUR ENEMIES? We seem to be doing a good job of this all on our own.

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