Moses married a Cushite woman first. He was with her for 40 years before he ever went to Midian. See Jasher 72:34-37. He never did sleep with her, though, because he remembered that Abraham did not want a daughter of Canaan for his son. Jasher 73:30-36.

I do like this, "The midrash discloses that the existence of normal marital relations is important for a woman, and constitutes a significant part of her femininity and her self-perception."

After 40 years of abstinence, the Cushite queen, Adoniah, plotted to have him overthrown and her son with her first husband, the original king, put in his place. She cited their lack of relations as proof that he was forever an outsider. For an overthrow, it was very peaceful. Jasher 76:4-12

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