My name is Harvey Waldman. My late father (l"z) was the Cantor who recorded the liturgical composition SHUVI NAFSHI that HADASSAH (Spira Epstein) and Marilyn Danitz danced to. I am aware that Marilyn Danitz memorialized Hadassah and made a VHS tape of the SHUVI NAFSHI and would be very interested in obtaining a copy of the SHUVI NAFSHI I'm aware that Marilyn passed away very suddenly and I'm am trying to obtain a copy of the SHUVI NAFSHI which was Hadassah's lead dance solo. I recall when my father was alive, Hadassah would call him very often since she loved all his music. I never met Hadassah since I was a young boy and to my knowledge, I don't believe my late father met her. I'm aware that Marilyn had an associate at Columbia University who may have a copy of that VHS tape. I did meet Hadassah's late husband accidentally when I was a student at Columbia University. If you are able to help me, I would be very grateful. Thank you!

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