I met the Grossingers while spending a week at the Resort in the late 1950's. I was on active duty at the time, and a shipmate and I were selected to represent the Navy as the Grossinger's guests. My memory is that in the late fall/early winter, two members of the armed services [Navy, Army, Marines, etc] were invited to honor those who lost their lives during WWII. It was a truly memorable week, and I particularly recall that Florence Chadwick, first female to swim the English Channel, was the Swim Instructor at the Resort. I don't know when the practice of having the military as guests began or ended, but as one who was treated to that generosity, I was forever better for having met Jennie and Harry. I may have it wrong, but it is possible that one or more Grossinger sons died while serving in the armed forces, and the practice of having the military around is rooted in that experience. I was saddened to learn, years later, that the Resort eventually ran it's course and was closed.

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