I will never forget the first time I met Betty, and the thrill of chauffering her (along with my friend Janet Dietrich) in St. Paul, MN, 1971.  We were organizing the Minnesota Womens Political Caucus, and she was a great draw as the key speaker.  Later I was elected to serve on the NOW National Board.  She came to one of our meetings.  She approached  where I was sitting, and said, "Aren't you from Minnesota; and visited briefly with me".  I encounted her at least a few more times like that.  Of course I "worshiped" her because I was exactly one of the women she "talked to" in her 1st book.  I was always meant to have a career, and children too.  Because of her I didn't need to "feel guilty" about that.  There were many quite mean guilt trips out there to discourage women who wanted both children and a career in the '60s & "70s.  Thank you so much for keeping the memory of Betty Friedan in history!


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