Dear Lisa,
Thank you for your work regarding Trude. Trude was very important to me as she was my father’s first cousin and spent a lot of time with us as kids, photographing us from birth through marriages. I wonder if you could tell me where the information re an accident and her breaking both legs came from. The first time I saw this reference, I asked my then 99 year old aunt who said she never heard this before and was sure she would have known about it. Then I had spoken to Pierre, Stefan’s partner, who said, No. he and Stefan had picked Trude up from Lugano to live with them in Brewster because she had become frail, not related to any accident.
Would you have any other information to support the theory of an accident? Thank you for your insight.
Also what Marie Elizabeth Berat says about Trude’s personal life is what my aunt had told me, as well. Best wishes, Barbara Rosenberg Loss

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