Not only does my e-mail not need to be kept personal, kindly share it with whomever can provide me with information I've long been seeking about my Great Grandmother, LUNA CANETTI-BEHAR. I read this article with tremendous fascination as my Great-Nona, Luna, was a Teacher at the Alliance Israelite Universelle in Ederne,' (Andrinople), Turkey.  Luna was married to my Great-Grandfather, Nissim Behar, & the Family raised their children primarily in Sliven, Bulgaria. I have been trying for a long time to find the names of my Great-Grandmother Luna's Parents & her exact place of Birth, so I've been looking for clues everywhere. I knew Luna was a Teacher & that she became blind as an adult, but I only realized that she taught at Alliance in Ederne' while stubling across an article on the internet which mentions this fact, written by my late mother, Simone Behar-Nemon. I am hoping that perhaps a log of Teachers is kept in the Alliance Archives, & hopefully there may be more biographical information on my Great-Grandmother available.  This would mean so very much to me to have. Kindy pass this e-mail to whomever is the link for Alliance. My Great Grandmother was born approximately in 1869.

Many Thanks,




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