Women's Rights

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Birth of Inez Bensusan, Australian playwright, actress, and suffragist

September 11, 1871

Inez Bensusan, an Australian and English playwright, actress, and suffragist, was born on September 11, 1871. She wrote and acted in many feminist plays and was active in multiple activist groups, often combining theater and feminism for a political cause.

Megaphones on either side with an artistic interpretation of the flag of Turkey in the middle

Addressing Violence Against Women in Turkey

Lea Davis

Attending my friend’s club truly opened my eyes to the horrific reality that is day-to-day life for many Turkish women.

Topics: Women's Rights
A white rectangle with a Stars of David pattern. A pink rectangle in the middle with the artistic silhouette of the bust of a woman.

Fighting for Better Breast Cancer Treatment as Jewish Feminists

Bee Foster

Jewish women, like Patricia Barr and Rose Kushner, fought so people like my grandmother could live happy and full lives after breast cancer. 

Collage with images of Bella Abzug and a rainbow background.

How Bella Abzug Inspires Me to Never Give Up

Dany Dorsey

One of the themes in Bella’s story is a refusal to stay down when pushed into a corner.

Topics: Women's Rights
2024 Highlights Photo Montage

Jewish Women Who Shaped 2024

JWA Staff

As 2024 draws to a close, the JWA team takes a moment to celebrate some of the incredible moments and achievements of Jewish women and gender-expansive people from the past year. Here are our picks for the standouts that inspired us, made us laugh, and reminded us of the power of resilience, community, and creativity.

Episode 120: Until 120!

It’s a Can We Talk? party! Welcome to our 120th episode 🥳. We're celebrating this milestone podcast style—Jen gets Judith and Nahanni reminiscing about the early days, we revisit clips from some of our favorite episodes, and we hear "Until 120!" in six languages. We’re honored to be feted by some very special pasts guests and fans of Can We Talk?, including Susan Stamberg of NPR, comedians Judy Gold and Iris Bahr, actor Eleanor Reissa, singers Galeet Dardashti and Erez Zobary, Noah Efron of The Promised Podcast, and our own daughters.

Marilyn Safir

Marilyn Safir is an Israeli-American psychologist who played a critical role as a feminist activist in sparking the Israeli women’s movement and in establishing the academic field of women’s studies in Israel. Her academic career has focused on sex, sexuality, and gender. 

Tiffany Shlain Dendrofeminology

7 Questions For Artist Tiffany Shlain

Sarah Groustra

JWA chats with artist and filmmaker Tiffany Shlain about her new solo show, YOU ARE HERE, why nature inspires her, and why people who say they're not creative are wrong. 

Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Rally

Celebrate Labor Day with New Protections For Pregnant Workers

Zia Saylor

The recently passed legislation provides pregnant workers with much-needed—and long overdue—protections. 

Julie Kay Headshot

7 Questions For Julie F. Kay

Sarah Groustra

JWA chats with internationally recognized human rights lawyer Julie F. Kay.

Ariella Davidov Headshot

7 Questions For Gender Justice Coordinator Ariella Davidov

Sarah Biskowitz

JWA chats with Ariella Davidov, Gender Justice Coordinator at the Office of the Queens Borough President in New York City. 

Collage of the Kotel and people part of the organization, Women of the Wall

Anat Hoffman and Jewish Women’s Access to the Kotel

Talia Waxman

Hearing about Hoffman's work had a significant impact on my confidence and ability to forge my own religious path.  

"What We Bring" by Andi Arnovitz

Q & A with Artist Andi Arnovitz about her new piece, "What We Bring"

Jen Richler

JWA talks to Israeli artist Andi Arnovitz about her new (JWA-inspired!) piece, What We Bring, currently on display at the Jerusalem Biennale. 



Episode 106: A Pocket of Hope: Israeli Women Building a Shared Future

“From the deepest crises come the clearest visions…We're fighting for our lives. We're fighting for our future,” says Sally Abed from Standing Together, a grassroots political movement in Israel. In this episode of Can We Talk?, we hear from Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel who are working on shared society initiatives, even in the midst of the war. Sally, as well as Hanan Alsanah, Ayesha Ziadna, Khitam Abu Bader, and Racheli Geffen, talk about how the war has affected their lives, work, and identity; the unique qualities women bring to social justice work; and their vision for a shared future. Jen Richler recorded their remarks during a women’s mission to Israel in January 2024 co-organized by the Jewish Women’s Archive.

Collage of pro-choice poster on green background

Diana Mara Henry's Photography and Progressive Activism

Sasha Kranson-Forrest

Through the pictures I took of the protest, I used photography as a way to exhibit women’s rights issues, just like Diana Mara Henry and many other activists did.

Collage of Ora Namir on grey blue background

Learning from Ora Namir and Advocating for a Better Israel

Lily Katz

The actions taken by so many progressive Israelis against their far-right government have inspired me to consider the history of activism and fights for equality within the state of Israel. I am particularly inspired by the legacy Ora Namir left for Israeli women.

Collage of Jewish Women Who Died in 2023

Jewish Women Whose Memories I’m Carrying into 2024

Judith Rosenbaum

The year 2023 brought the deaths of several powerful and influential Jewish women, whose insights and voices changed the world and are all the more painful to lose in this difficult time. 

Episode 105: Hear Their Voices: Sexual Violence on October 7

When Hamas terrorists attacked Israel on October 7, they raped, tortured, and mutilated women’s bodies in unimaginable ways. News about the sexual violence emerged within days, but few women’s organizations spoke up to condemn it. Some even questioned whether the claims were true. In this episode of Can We Talk?, we discuss the sexual violence of October 7, the effort to collect evidence, and the international response—or lack thereof.  We speak with Hadas Ziv, who co-authored a Physicians for Human Rights Israel paper on the crimes, and Sheila Katz, CEO of the National Council of Jewish Women, one of the sponsors of a recent event at the United Nations aimed at calling attention to the sexual assaults. We’ll also hear excerpts of testimonies given at the UN by people who saw evidence of sexual violence on the bodies of women killed by Hamas. 

Please note, this episode contains graphic descriptions of sexual violence.

Marcy Syms


Judith Rosenbaum interviewed Judge Marcy Syms on October 3, 2023, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Judge Abrams explores her family, education, career path, focus on gender issues, and notable legal cases in an interview. The interview with Marcy Syms covers her diverse life, exploring her immigrant and Jewish roots, early encounters with feminism, experiences with discrimination, leadership in her family's company, activism for the Equal Rights Amendment, and insights into gender equality and workplace reforms.

Rabbi Minna Bromberg leading a workshop

Why We Need Fat Torah

Ariadne Wolf

Until fatphobia is erased from our Jewish lives, people with bodies like mine will never be able to truly come home.

Rebecca Chernin

Women Who Dared

Elise Brenner interviewed Rebecca Chernin on December 19, 2004, in Sharon, Massachusetts, as part of the Women Who Dared Project. Rebecca discusses her family, childhood, and Jewish identity, highlighting her advocacy efforts to combat teen violence and support domestic violence victims within the Jewish community; she also shares her personal experience as an Orthodox teen survivor of an abusive relationship, her work with REACH Beyond Domestic Violence, and her outreach efforts to address domestic violence within the Jewish community, guided by the Jewish value of shalom bayit, and reflects on her ongoing advocacy goals.

Diane Balser

Women Who Dared

Julie Johnson interviewed Diane Balser on March 8, 2005, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, as part of the Women Who Dared Oral History Project. Balser discusses her journey into activism, including her early involvement in peace activism and the women’s movement, and her efforts to raise awareness on global gender inequality issues and facilitating discussions about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Nairobi.

Episode 96: Can We Talk? 2022-23 Season Wrap

That's a wrap! In this episode of Can We Talk?, Nahanni Rous, Jen Richler, and Judith Rosenbaum recap the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 seasons—from a celebration at a queer Jewish chicken farm to the fight for Israel's "chained women" to reproductive rights after Roe, and much more. 

Arms holding up a protest sign with 3 power fists on it on yellow background

Toward A Besere Velt (A Better World)

Ava Weinstein

The more I learn about the world and the society we live in, the more dissatisfied I feel and the more eager I am to change it.

Episode 94: Rebbetzins in America

What did talented, dedicated Jewish women do before they could become rabbis? Some became rebbetzins. In this episode of Can We Talk?, we’re looking at the changing role of the rebbetzin—the rabbi’s wife. Women have been rabbis in America for just over half a century, but for as long as there have been rabbis, there have been rabbi’s wives—and they've often served as leaders, too. We'll hear from Shuly Rubin Schwartz, author of The Rabbi’s Wife: The Rebbetzin in American Jewish Life, and from three spouses of rabbis.


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