Thank you for this article it is really helpful. One thing is missing though. Bathsheba (Batsheva) was according to 2.Samuel5:14 and 1.Chronicles3:5 and 14:4 also the mother of Nathan. Of Nathan, Myriam the mother of Yeshua is descendant as recorded in Luke 3. In the context it is understood that Myriam had no brothers (so the lineage was passed through the daughter) Bathsheba and David were meant to be the progenitors of Yeshua the one who would come to cause the salvation. As a foreshadow of Hashems complete grace, David pays for his overstepping by the price of the death of his first son conceived in sin and a curse on his house. He is then rewarded with Solomon who would continue the royal line of Judah (all the way up to Yosef son of Ya'akov), but who would also fall into sin. The Mashiach would not come from Solomon, but would come from David. But he would also be an heir to the throne of Judah...since Yosef and Myriam were married, Yeshua was legally Yosefs son and heir through David, Solomon, Sh'altiel and Z'rubavel. Also as having married a man of her own tribe Myriams lineage is also legally redeemed through Yosef. All these lineages were as records in the Tempel before it was destroyed by the romans. Thank you.

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