the simple fact of the matter is that HPV is NOT REALLY A BIG DEAL. According to the CDC, the center of disease control, the majority of healthy women clear the infection from their own bodies in a matter of weeks. It really only affects those with compromised immune systems. People get HPV all the time and it simply goes away on its own. It very rarely leads to cervical cancer. In fact, using their own figures, they claim that cervical cancer kills 260,000 woman world-wide. There are 7 billion people in the world. 4 billion women. That means you have roughly a 0.000065% chance of dying from this supposed huge threat to public safety. This is Merck attempting to monopolize the market through legislation before their competitor, glaxosmithkline, releases their version of the HPV vaccine: Cerverix. Is competition to stick admittedly experimental and ultimately unnecessary needles into our children really so smart?

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